knee sports massage physical therapy 2021 09 03 06 29 22 utc@2x

Knee Pain

Knee pain can be as a result of a number of different factors and can occur as a result of an injury which can lead to damage to the ligaments, tendons, meniscus or cartilage to medical conditions such as the onset of arthritis. Most knee pain can be improved through a targeted strength and conditioning program but in worst case scenarios and operation may be required to repair the damage.

How do we assess

The first part is the listen to your story we take an in-depth injury history as well as understanding the mechanism of the current problem. We look for patterns in your story to make the best possible picture. We then look at your range of movement before moving into any muscular testing. We will assess the site of pain as well as areas above and below to ensure we have full information to move forwards.

How do we treat

Treatment can comprise of both hands on and exercise based activities. Hands on work will look to relieve muscle tension through soft tissue work while exercise will follow a four-step progression.

  1. Restore full range of movement
  2. Start loading the muscles isometrically
  3. Increase strength in a single plane of movement
  4. Strength exercises in multiple planes of movements